Awards and Prizes

The NZRET Pikimairawea Award

Māori legend says that the demigod Maui obtained his knowledge from his grandmother’s jawbone. He fashioned a matau (hook) with that jawbone and fished up the North Island. Taranaki tradition has a name for that jawbone - Pikimairawea.  

There has long been a connection between bones and radiology. Additionally, ‘piki mai’ means climb hither or strive and ‘rawe’ means excellence in Te Reo Māori.

The NZRET Pikimairawea Award is to honour New Zealand Fellows who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to and/or excellence in the fields of clinical radiology or radiation oncology through:

  • research,
  • teaching and education,
  • any other activity that has benefited radiology or radiation oncology, its facilities or any of the services which they provide.

Two NZRET Pikimairawea Awards will be presented each year at the NZ ASM (provided eligibility criteria are met), one in the specialty of clinical radiology and one in radiation oncology.

If you are interested in nominating a New Zealand Fellow, please see the guidelines, terms and conditions and the nomination form.

The closing date for receiving nominations will be 3 June, 2024.

NZ Radiology Education Trust Proffered Paper Prize

The best Proffered Paper Prize for Radiology and Radiation Oncology, offering financial assistance to attend the RANZCR 74th Annual Scientific Meeting to a maximum level $3,000. New Zealand resident RANZCR Fellows and Educational Affiliates are eligible to enter.

NZ Radiology Education Trust Poster Prize

This is the best Poster Prize for Radiology and Radiation Oncology. The prize offers financial assistance to attend the RANZCR 74th Annual Scientific Meeting to the level of $1500. New Zealand resident RANZCR Fellows, Educational Affiliates and Registrars are eligible to enter.

OBEX Medical Registrar Research Award

OBEX Medical has been supporting education for Radiologists for over 25 years and continues to be strongly committed to the ongoing education of both Radiology Registrars and Radiologists. The Registrar Award is awarded to the best Radiology Registrar Presentation. Please note the following conditions:

  • The prize of $2500 is to assist with attending the RANZCR Annual Scientific Meeting 2024 in Perth where the winning New Zealand Paper will be presented as part of the RANZCR “Branch of Origin” Registrar Presentation Session.
  • The winner of the Obex Medical Registrar Research Award 2024 must be available to attend and present at this session.
  • Only New Zealand resident Radiology Registrars who are employed in an accredited Radiology department/practice in New Zealand at the time of the branch abstract submission and presentation are eligible to enter.
  • A minimum of 5 presentations must be judged to determine an overall winner.

Faculty of Radiation Oncology Training Network New Zealand Prize

The New Zealand Radiation Oncology Training Network (FRONNZ) is pleased to offer the FRONNZ prize for the best Radiation Oncology Registrar presentation at the RANZCR New Zealand Branch Annual Scientific Meeting.

  • The award will be presented annually at the NZ Branch ASM.
  • Only New Zealand resident Radiation Oncology Registrars who are employed in an accredited, Radiation Oncology department, in New Zealand are eligible.
  • Judging will be undertaken by a panel, ideally comprising of an international speaker and at least one New Zealand based Radiation Oncologist. The panel is approved annually by FRONNZ.
  • The judges will be provided with a set of criteria to mark against in order to maximise transparency and equity.
  • The amount of $500 will be awarded to the trainee judged to have the best presentation.
  • There is no minimum number of presentations required.

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